Monday, January 22, 2007

Wodehouse in the house

Someone on a blog I was reading quoted one sentence of PG Wodehouse, and as always happens, I LOLled. Is there now or has there ever been another writer who so consistently has that effect on people?

The someone was John Baker, who maintains a writing blog that's well worth keeping an eye on. What I like best about him is his cat-burglar approach: he's in and out in a matter of minutes, and before you know what's hit you, your mind has been rifled -- or something. That metaphor may require some work. As it happens, a recent post is on metaphor and simile, where he quotes John Cooper Clarke and Alexei Sayle. You have to admire a man with a frame of reference like that.

My point was, too many bloggers go on for too long, probably because they have no editor within or without. And now I'm in danger of infringing my own law.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, yeah. But oddly enough, I'm always having to go back and add more when I'm writing fiction. Shame I can't just kill two birds etc. by cutting and pasting out of my blog.

Anonymous said...

She strained her ears to catch a sound. For a while she heard nothing. Then came a voice that she knew well; and, abandoning concealment, she came out into the room, and found Jimmy kneeling on the floor beside the rifled jewel box.
PG Wodehouse, The Gem Collector.